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Rails 6 update and support options

All information about Rails 6: What's new in this version, your Rails 6 EOL version today and support alternatives to a costly Rails update.

Background image Rails LTS

Each new version of Rails builds on the strengths of its predecessors and offers developers improved tools, higher performance and new features to create web applications more efficiently and effectively.

A Rails update to the latest version allows developers to benefit from these advances. In addition, for security reasons, at a certain point it is essential to either upgrade to a new version or to guarantee the security of the applications in some other way

Here you can find out everything about Rails 6, what EOL (End of Life) means in the Rails world and how you can protect your outdated Rails version today.

End of Support (EOL) Rails 6 is no longer officially supported

Many commercial applications still run on Rails 6, but community support officially ended in 2024.

This means the open-source community no longer provides security patches, leaving Rails 6 applications exposed to critical vulnerabilities.

To stay secure, users should upgrade to Rails 7 for continued community support or opt for commercial support solutions like Rails LTS.


Start of our Rails support


Fortune 500 companies, government agencies, etc. use Rails LTS


Companies trust Rails LTS

Key Features in Rails 6

  • Action Mailbox for Incoming Emails
    Action Mailbox allows routing incoming emails to controller-like mailboxes. This facilitates processing emails within the application, enabling features like creating support tickets or comments directly from emails.
  • Action Text for Rich Text Editing
    Action Text integrates rich text content editing directly into Rails. It includes the Trix editor, supporting formatting, links, quotes, lists, and embedding images and galleries. The created content is stored in its own RichText model and can be associated with Active Record models.
  • Parallel Testing for Faster Test Execution
    Rails 6 introduces the ability to run test suites in parallel. By distributing tests across multiple processes or threads, the total time required for testing is significantly reduced, enhancing development efficiency.
  • Multiple Database Support
    Rails 6 introduces native support for multiple databases. Developers can now more easily switch between different database connections and configure models to interact with various data sources. This is particularly useful for applications that utilize data from different sources or require a separation of read and write operations.
  • Default Integration of Webpacker
    Rails 6 sets Webpacker as the default for managing JavaScript. This facilitates the integration of modern JavaScript libraries and frameworks, promoting contemporary frontend development within Rails applications.
  • New Autoloader "Zeitwerk"
    Rails 6 introduces "Zeitwerk" as a new code loader. It is efficient, thread-safe, and aligns with Ruby's constant semantics. Zeitwerk automatically loads classes and modules on demand, reducing the need for manual require statements and improving code organization.
Is your application too complex for an upgrade?
If your application is too complex for an update, and you can’t fully assess the consequences of an upgrade, there’s an alternative: Rails LTS provides security patches for all Rails versions no longer supported by the community. Over 180 companies trust Rails LTS. Learn more today.
More information

The creators of Rails LTS About makandra

We are Rails Experts

At makandra, we are a team of over 50 Rails, DevOps, and UI/UX experts.

Years of Experience

For more than 15 years, we’ve been building applications exclusively with Ruby on Rails.

An active part of the community

We are the creators of Rails LTS and makandra cards. We also maintain popular Ruby libraries such as active_type, capybara-lockstep, and consul.

Member of the Rails Foundation

We are actively committed to supporting the existing Rails ecosystem and, since 2024, have been a contributing member of the official Rails Foundation.

Strong RoR Expertise

We have gained experience in over 200 projects, which we incorporate into new projects and our work on Rails LTS.

makandra are the sharpest team of Rails developers I've worked with in my career. I was very impressed how they jumped into an old, hairy codebase and were able to immediately start improving our testing and reliability, without much management from us. The business value we received was off the charts.
Patrick McKenzie Founder of Starfighter and Appointment Reminder

Let’s talk about Rails LTS

We’re happy to assist if you need support managing an older Rails version. Whether you want to avoid an upgrade with Rails LTS or need a partner to modernize your application, we’re the right choice for you as a Rails agency with 15+ years of experience.